Is The Place For Racing Apparel, T-Shirts, Hats!


If you follow the Power Automedia family of digital magazines on Facebook, chances are you’ve seen us promoting some freshly-branded swag, and there’s a perfectly good reason for that, as earlier this spring, we launched a sister company from within Power Automedia, known as

The Men's t-shirt collection includes our Dragzine logo design, as well as the 'No Prep Life' collection of styles.

As the name implies, RacingShirts serves as the go-to source for apparel dedicated to the many markets that our online titles cater to, from drag racing to muscle cars, street rods, diesel trucks, sport compacts, and even high performance engines. RacingShirts was launched with several fresh new designs for the drag racing market, specifically the no prep racing scene, but rest assured that a whole range of designs are on the drawing board and will be made available over the coming months.

Available now are 13 different tee shirt designs for men or women, a pair of tank tops styles, and several looks in hoodies and caps for the car guys or gals alike, as well as designs specific to the younger gear heads out there. We’ve also made available large-sized decals portraying each of the Power Automedia magazine logos, along with the “No Prep Life” collection of artwork.

Also available are women's tank tops, as well as hoodie designs for both men and women.

With any order of $50 or more, we’ll pick up the tab for shipping, providing just a little more incentive to grab some gear.

Keep your eyes out for the many new designs to come, all of which will be available only on!

About the author


Dragzine® delivers the hard-hitting news, rumors, and event coverage that drag racers crave from NHRA, IHRA, NMCA, PDRA, Outlaw, and Drag Radial events, not to mention videos, in-depth car features, tech articles, and interviews. It’s drag racing — 24 hours a day! Our goal is to deliver to you the quickest news and insights in the drag racing world. You’ll also find some of the best technical content on the web — from installations, dyno tests, project vehicles and more.
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