
Bridgett Davis - contributor

Growing up in Greenwood, Indiana a short distance from the world famous Indianapolis Motor Speedway, my dad would take me to local car shows and events. Through this I gained my passion. Along with cars, I have always loved photography, writing, and graphic arts. However when attending college I did not pursue my passions. I played it safe and majored in business and marketing. After a few years in this field I determined this was not for me and began to pursue a writing and photography career. Landing me here with Power Automedia. I am also now the business owner of Bridgett's Toxic Creations. Specializing in automobile showboards, custom license plates, logos, and website headers. Living and breathing the Mustang life everyday in everyway. To be able to work in my field of passion is amazing and fun experience everyday. The best part is sharing a common passion with others.

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