PRI 2015: Fuel Injector Clinic 1650cc Injectors

Modern fuel injectors are far more complicated than little nozzles loosely toleranced with different needle-gauge bores. The OEM fuel injector of performance vehicles is a closely manufactured device but leaves much to be desired when the demands of the enthusiast exceed normal street driving.

Fuel Injector Clinic produces fuel delivery systems for vehicles across all applications from foreign and domestic to street and strip. The new 1650cc injector is one of the latest additions to the line.

IMG_4456“The 1650cc injector is compatible with all fuels. We specialize in the market where drivability is important … the 1650 is in the range where it’s still controllable in the bottom end, the challenge is always about control with a very short pulse width when you go to very large injectors. In order to idle you have to still have the same amount of fuel, if you go to an injector four or five times the size of a stock injector the challenge is controlling the bottom end.” said Jens von Holten of Fuel Injector Clinic.

While the orifice size of a fuel injector is a chief measurement in selecting correct parts for a given application, equally important is the pulse control. Fuel Injector Clinic maps the performance of all their injectors to prove their performance.

IMG_4454“You need to match these injectors very well, that’s where data-match technology comes in. It’s a way we have to measure the injectors not only by their flow rate, but also by their ‘dead-time’ or latency which is the delay of the injector opening.” explained von Holten.

Made available to to their customers, the data-match spreadsheets allow customers to better assemble a fueling system they can quantify, and ensures consistency between individual units.



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About the author

Trevor Anderson

Trevor Anderson comes from an eclectic background of technical and creative disciplines. His first racing love can be found in the deserts of Baja California. In 2012 he won the SCORE Baja 1000 driving solo from Ensenada to La Paz in an aircooled VW. Trevor is engaged with hands-on skill sets such as fabrication and engine building, but also the theoretical discussion of design and technology. Trevor has a private pilot's license and is pursuing an MFA in fine art - specifically researching the aesthetics of machines, high performance materials and their social importance to enthusiast culture.
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