Ford Motor Company Doubles Up On F-150 Lightning Production

Ford Motor Company announced today that they would be doubling the production of F-150 Lightnings. This would increase the count to nearly 150,000 trucks per year. While the numbers are staggering, the demand for the new electric F-150 Lightning is even more extreme.


“In September, due to huge demand for F-150 Lightnings, we doubled our production plan from 40k to 80k trucks per year. The demand keeps growing, so we’re doubling it again and now plan to produce 150,000 annually,” said Ford CEO, Jim Farley. “America wants an all-electric Ford F-150 and we plan to deliver”

This should come as no surprise to Ford lovers. The gas version F-150 has remained one of the best selling American vehicles of all time. However, what does come as a surprise is that 75% of reservation holders are new to the Ford brand. A potential driving factor could be the truck’s base MSRP of $39,974.

In addition to covering the consumer demand with increased production, Ford Motor Company is also building a facility in Tennessee. This facility will house the assembly line for electric F-series trucks. This will create nearly 11,000 new jobs on American soil. It will also continue the Ford tradition of being America’s leading employer of hourly autoworkers.

“The company has racked up nearly 200,000 reservations from people clamoring for an electric incarnation of the popular model,” said Ford’s President of the Americas, Kumar Galhotra. “”The reality is clear: People are ready for an all-electric F-150 and Ford is pulling out all the stops to scale our operations and increase production capacity.”

The first group of reservation holders will be invited to place their orders for the F-150 Lightning January 6th, 2022. 

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About the author

James Elkins

Born into a household of motorsport lovers, James learned that wrenching takes priority over broken skin and damaged nerves. Passions include fixing previous owners’ mistakes, writing, and driving.
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