Intercomp Introduces New Feature-Packed Digital Air Gauges

Tire pressure is a critical part of any race car’s setup. You need to have the most accurate tire pressure readings possible, so you want to make sure the tire pressure gauge you use is of the highest quality. Intercomp Racing’s next generation of Digital Air Gauges are designed for accuracy, and have even more features ready for you to use.

The Digital Air Gauges are now able to read up to 150 PSI. Each of the three new models has a large 1.25” backlit display that makes it easy to see what pressure your tires are at. The gauges all have a 22” hose that’s matched to a thumb-operated bleed off to make adjusting pressure a breeze. You can set up the gauges to read between .1 and .01 PSI when in use. These gauges are also accurate within 0.1%, as they compensate for barometric pressure fluctuations.

Intercomp’s 150.00 PSI Digital Air Pressure Gauge is a real workhorse that can be set up for ultra-low or high pressures depending on the application. The 150.00 PSI Digital Memory Air Pressure Gauge can store and recall pressure data for up to 10 sets of tires. This gauge can also connect to Intercomp’s iRaceWeigh App for recording and tracking purposes. The 150.00 PSI Digital Fill, Bleed, & Read Pressure Gauge does everything the standard Digital Gauge does, plus it can attach to an air or nitrogen hose to fill, bleed, and read.

You can learn more about these gauges right here on Intercomp’s website.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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