Ford To Improve Performance With $200 Million Wind Tunnel

These days the auto manufacturers are under pressure from both the market and regulators to squeeze more efficiency from their vehicles. Consumers also seem to have a parallel desire for increased performance. Fortunately these two worlds intersect in the science of aerodynamics. Making the vehicle cut through the air more efficiently can improve performance and fuel economy.

With that thought in mind, Ford is set to begin building a new, $200 million wind tunnel complex that can test airflow in temperatures ranging from minus 40 degrees to 140 degrees Fahrenheit.

To answer demands for improved efficiency and increased performance, Ford is investing $200 million in a new 13-acre wind tunnel testing complex, which will offer more capabilities than the tunnel shown in the Ford GT testing video released last year.

To answer demands for improved efficiency and increased performance, Ford is investing $200 million in a new 13-acre wind tunnel testing complex, which will offer more capabilities than the facility shown in the Ford GT testing video released last year (see above).

“This investment in new world-class test facilities underpins Ford’s ongoing commitment to advance our capabilities to continue to provide our customers with high-quality vehicles,” Raj Nair, Ford executive vice president, global product development and chief technical officer, said.

This new aerodynamics testing campus will move air on 13 acres next door to the company’s extant Driveability Test Facility in Allen Park, Michigan. Not only will it bring more testing capacity with tunnels large enough to accommodate trucks like the Super Duty, but it will add more technology to allow engineers to simulate real-world wind resistance in a rolling road aerodynamic tunnel.

The forthcoming Ford wind tunnel complex will include tunnels ample enough to accommodate trucks, including the large-frame Super Duty pickup.

“This new wind tunnel facility will not only allow us to test our performance and racing vehicle line-up but will also enable us to share innovations across all our global Ford products,” Dave Pericak, Ford Performance global director, said.

To that end, Ford will equip its rolling wind tunnels with a moving belt for each wheel and a single large belt under the car to more accurately simulate road conditions. The multi-belt system will allow testing airflow around the entire car at speeds up to 155 mph. For faster vehicles, like the Ford GT, the single belt allows testing at speeds up to 200 mph, which will be a boon to future performance and racing Fords.

About the author

Steve Turner

Steve Turner brings decades of passion and knowledge in the world of Ford performance, having covered it for over 20 years. From the swan song of the Fox Mustang to the birth of the Coyote, Steve had a front-row seat.
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