Cool Fords Converged On The Swap Meet At Atlanta Dragway

One of our favorite stops when the calendar allows is the monthly North East Georgia Swap Meet at Atlanta Dragway in Commerce, Georgia. Except for May when the NHRA is in town, the swap meet is held the first Saturday of the month from 7 a.m. until around noon. We enjoy the trip to Georgia’s House Of Speed not only for the chance at some cool swap meet bargains, but for all the cool Ford cars and trucks that come out to the event.

This pair of 1963 and 1964 Ford Galaxies was a nice mix of yin and yang, so to speak. The black 1963 was in pristine condition and sounded awesome while the white 1964 featured more of a patina'd look with period-correct mag wheels and a Holman & Moody tag on the front. Both cars show the wide variety that show up at the swap meet and both are super cool. We would have loved to have driven either one of these classic ’60s Ford muscle cars home with us!

Between the cruise-in portion of the event and all the cool tow rigs and parts haulers scattered out through the pits, you just never know what you are going to see. Everything from works in progress to all-out restorations and everything in between, there is always something at the swap meet that begs to be photographed, and we captured as many as we could in the gallery below.

Anyone who has passed any kind of cool old larger Ford truck in the junkyard has probably made the comment to themselves, "Boy, I should fix that up and make a cool tow rig out of it..." If your dreams are large and expensive like ours, it probably never happened. Luckily though, one diehard Ford owner is living our dream. This Ford F600 is that ultra-cool tow rig. We would love to hook a double-car trailer full of vintage Ford muscle cars and head out for a big show in this rig.

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About the author

Jeff Southard

Growing up with a dad who loved Corvettes, I was destined to be a gearhead from day one. Beyond that, my dad owned an auto parts business for over 25 years. There, I learned the automotive basics as a child, then began my professional career working there after high school. From Corvettes and Superbirds to Hemis and Cobra Jets, my dad has owned a little of everything over the years, so I've had my chance to get some quality seat time behind the wheel of some rare, unique, and sometimes, just odd automobiles. I have owned my share of toys, including over 20 Mustangs. I guess to make a long story short, if you look up "car crazy" you will probably find my photo listed pretty close to it!
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