1000 Shelby’s on their way to Hertz

ShelbyShelby American has started delivery of the specially created 2006 Mustang GT GT350H edition rent-a-racers. In Mid may you can try to reserve one at rental locations in these cities:

Phoenix, Arizona
Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego and San Francisco, California
Denver, Colorado
hertzFort Lauderdale, Miami, Orlando, Tampa and West Palm Beach, Florida
Maui and Honolulu, Hawaii
Boston, Massachusetts
Las Vegas, Nevada
Portland, Oregon
Seattle, Washington

More images at shelbyautos.com
The new Hertz GT’s are tuned by Shelby American in Las Vegas to produce approximately 20 HP more than the 300 HP rating of the stock Mustang GT.
Considering you can’t even rent a standard 5-speed GT through Hertz, the new GT350H will surely be a popular upgrade – assuming any of the cars are returned after the first rental.

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