PRI 2014: Push Button Start System Now Available from Flaming River

Flaming-River-105Ever in the pursuit of convenience for its customers, Flaming River has developed a push button start column based on their existing column. The system includes a programmable key fob. The fob can be integrated in to systems like power door locks, trunk locks, and those components can be integrated into the system at any time. The push button start can be located in the column, or sent separately and mounted to the dash.

Brett Domin of Flaming River told us, “The system comes with two fobs and the controller, and it’s built into a custom column, so it’s really geared toward early model vehicles such as muscle cars, street rods, and classic trucks, because so many new cars are already equipped with this sort of system.”

The push button start system looks very easy to install because it’s basically a plug-and-play set up, and it wires up to just an accessory and ground connection for power. It’s also compatible with aftermarket or factory wiring systems. As well, remote engine start can be programed into the system, although you would have to buy a separate remote start setup, and then incorporate it into the Flaming River fob system.

All Flaming River steering columns are made in the USA, and they are available in a universal length or custom lengths. They are made from stainless steel and equipped with tilt functionality, turn signal and hazard lights, and have a three year warranty. In addition, they are adaptable to almost all steering wheels.

The range of the transmitter is about 8 feet, and it has three modes. Three button hits start the car, or you can hold the button down to cycle through the three stages, and accessories can be programmed into any of the button pushes. It takes just one hit to stop the engine. For more information, check out the Flaming River website.


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About the author

Stuart Bourdon

A passion for anything automotive (especially off-road vehicles), camping, and photography led to a life exploring the mountains and deserts of the Southwest and Baja, and a career in automotive, outdoor, and RV journalism.
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