PRI 2019: FiTech Makes Swap to Fuel Injection Easier With Force Fuel

After taking over the fuel injection upgrade community a few years ago, FiTech has steadily looked for ways to make the conversion even easier. Their latest product line is designed to simplify the carb to fuel injection swap beyond anything else on the market.

According to FiTech’s Mike Wahl, here’s how it works. FiTech’s Force Fuel system simply connects to a stock mechanical or electric fuel pump. The unit then supplies the EFI system with high pressure through the use of an internal 340-LPH pump.

What this means for the home garage project car builder is they won’t have to run additional fuel lines to or from the fuel tank. This represents a huge saving in time and budget.

“The Force Fuel system has a strong mounting bracket that is installed under, and is fed by the original fuel pump,” said Wahl. “The assembly holds a half-gallon of fuel to feed an electric submersion pump so there is no chance of fuel starvation. Because it is submerged, the pump stays cooler and will have a longer life.”

According to Wahl, the system also has an internal regulator that keeps the pressure at a consistent 58psi for reliable EFI performance. A serviceable 10-micron fuel filter is supplied to keep the finest debris away from the injectors along with five feet of high-pressure fuel hose, AN fittings, and clamps.

The precision machined extrusion is designed for strength and sealed tight. There is also an easy-to-view fuel pressure gauge installed for quick checks and heavy-duty wire terminals are also supplied to complete the installation.


  • Designed specifically to fuel FiTech EFI systems as well as other brands.
  • Capable of supporting the fuel demands of an 800-hp engine on gasoline.
  • Sturdy, versatile mounting bracket provides a side or bottom mount.
  • The effective 10-micron serviceable filter ensures the best filtration available.
  • Uses a 340 LPH fuel pump and internal regulator for reliable fuel supply.
  • Increased fuel capacity over other systems – no chance of cavitation.
  • Supplied with high-pressure fuel hose, AN fittings, return line fitting bung and liquid-filled gauge.
  • For use with E85, alcohol or methanol based fuels.

For more information on this or any of the other products manufactured by FiTech, visit them online at

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About the author

Bobby Kimbrough

Bobby grew up in the heart of Illinois, becoming an avid dirt track race fan which has developed into a life long passion. Taking a break from the Midwest dirt tracks to fight evil doers in the world, he completed a full 21 year career in the Marine Corps.
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