SEMA 2024: Dynamat Pro X Mat Sound-Dampening Material

Car fitted with Pro X Mat

Dynamat wanted to put out the most efficient sound-deadening mat into the market this year, and they did so with the Pro X mat. Dynamat’s Pro X matting definitely took it a step further, offering even better interior sound deadening for your car or truck.

What sets the Pro X sound-deadening mat apart? For one, it’s twice as thick as the original Dynamat Xtreme, and that added heft translates to serious results. The mat boasts a 56 percent improvement in sound damping over its predecessor and an impressive 350 percent better performance compared to any other CLD (Constrained Layer Damping) product on the market. These aren’t just marketing claims either. The superior capability of Pro X has been independently verified, and that extra level of assurance will translate directly into a better, finished project for users of Dynamat’s PRO X sound-deadening material.

“If you actually want the best damping you can buy, this is the product for you,” affirmed Dynamat representative, Charlie Mallory, capturing the essence of Dynamat’s confidence in their newest addition. The mat is designed for those looking for a sound-deadening option with heat-resisting qualities as well.

To showcase its relevant use in the real world, Dynamat showcased its newest product in “Doughboy,” a SEMA booth car that had been fitted with Pro X mat. Attendees could actually see a build using the product and discuss with the builders what it brought to their plate. The display was able to showcase how the Pro X mat’s added thickness and well-formed design can instantly turn any driving experience into a serene oasis.

With its proven effectiveness and innovative design, the Pro X mat is poised to be the go-to choice for sound-damping needs. Whether you’re an enthusiast eager to reduce noise and vibrations, or a professional aiming to use the highest-performing materials, the Pro X promises to raise the standard in vehicle soundproofing.

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