SEMA 2020: Wayne’s World Brings Us RaceTec Pistons’ Autotec II Line

LS engine piston from Race Tec’s new Autotec II line.

RaceTec Pistons is Wayne Brooks’ second venture into the piston manufacturing industry. Brooks previously owned JE Pistons and was very successful in making and selling some of the best pistons made at that time. Over twenty years as the head of the company, he decided to sell and retire.

A handful of years into retirement, he saw the piston industry change in a direction he thought was bad for enthusiasts. Deciding retirement was not quite what he had in mind, he now had a desire to return back to the piston manufacturing business. RaceTec Pistons is the result of that decision.

“We are also the only piston company that is using a state of the art D.T.S. Engine Dyno to help in the development of our designs,” said Stacey Stone of RaceTec Pistons’ Motorsports Sales. “Having our in house dyno along with our customers to develop and refine piston design has helped us to deliver a superior product.”

The goal, according to Stacey, “is keeping it user friendly and accommodate the entry-level and Saturday night racer.” All this is done with design and manufacturing expertise that “delivers the tolerances expected by the highest level of race engine builders,” he added.

Autotec II Line

The company’s solid Autotec line has been the bread and butter of the new company. With the new year, RaceTec is opening up its catalog offerings by rolling out the new Autotec II line. Stacey says the new Autotec II line will “initially be available for the super popular LS series and conventional 23-degree small-block Chevy engines, and the small-block Ford and Chrysler applications.”

According to Stacey, these parts are designed to help bridge the gap between the Racetec Ultra Duty pistons and the Street Performance Autotec line and maintain affordability for these customers. The Autotec II line will also be available in full custom.

For more information on the new Autotec II line of RaceTec pistons, visit them online at

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About the author

Bobby Kimbrough

Bobby grew up in the heart of Illinois, becoming an avid dirt track race fan which has developed into a life long passion. Taking a break from the Midwest dirt tracks to fight evil doers in the world, he completed a full 21 year career in the Marine Corps.
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