SEMA 2023: Crib Cruisers From Race Ramps Make Moving Vehicles Simple

Race Ramps

Project cars are fun to work on, but they’re not fun to try and move around when they’re not running. Race Ramps developed its 10-inch Crib Cruisers to make working on your vehicle easier, and to simplify moving it around the shop when it’s not running.

The majority of automotive enthusiasts who spin their own wrenches have at least one set of jackstands somewhere in their shop to elevate their vehicle while working on it. Now, jackstands do a great job of getting a vehicle in the air to allow you access to its underside, but they have to be used on specific points of the vehicle. A set of Race Ramps 10-inch Crib Cruisers can hold your vehicle up by being placed under its tires. You also gain additional accessible work area under the vehicle since no jackstands are getting in the way.

Now, the biggest benefit to the Crib Cruisers is how they can be paired with a set of Go-Jaks, Zoom Jacks, or other car dollies. The dollies can slip around the Crib Cruiser so you can jack them up and move the vehicle around. That saves you the trouble of having to take the car down back to the ground and moving it on standard wheel dollies.

Christina Kwan from Race Ramps explains why the company designed these Crip Cruisers.

“The Crib Cruiser is a solution for those who have to move an immobile vehicle around their shop. It saves you the time of having to lower a vehicle, move it, and then put it back up in the air to work on it again. You just simply have to scoop up the Crib Cruiser with your dolly while the vehicle is still on the Crib Cruiser, move it, and continue working.”

You can learn more about the Crib Cruiser right here on the Race Ramps website.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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