Chasing Shadows: A Mustang’s Magnificent Moment During Solar Eclipse

The totality of a solar eclipse is a sight to behold across the country, serving as a breeding ground for once-in-a-lifetime photography opportunities. The theoretical idea of conducting a photoshoot during such a unique event was an enticing prospect I couldn’t ignore. An experience of this caliber demanded a vehicle of equal rarity—a pairing so extraordinary that it defied replication. It was a chance for a photograph to define a career as the epitome of automotive photography’s unrepeatability. Swikar Patel, the creative director for Toyota Driver Development, once told me, “Photography isn’t about making moments; it’s about capturing them.”

All photography by Jonah Werbelow

Finding The Right Car

After reaching out to various contacts, I found the perfect car for the shoot: a Lead Foot Gray 2021 Ford Mustang RTR Vehicles Spec 5 10th Anniversary. This iconic gray Mustang was a local legend in my town, boasting menacing looks and a sinister silhouette—an ideal candidate for the task at hand.

With the car secured, the next challenge was finding the ideal location. Unfortunately, popular spots were expected to be crowded, necessitating unconventional thinking. After scouting, I stumbled upon a secluded stretch of road parallel to the highway—a hidden gem devoid of traffic, with a deep ditch providing an ideal vantage point. It met all the unique requirements necessary to make the shoot possible.

On the designated Monday, after meeting the owner at a predetermined rendezvous point, we set off for the location. We had some time for beauty shots, but the window for capturing the solar eclipse totality was limited to a mere 3 minutes and 27 seconds. During this time, the sun would appear as a ring of fire — a phenomenon that promised a truly unique image.

As totality approached, I hurried to set up my camera on a tripod, aiming to capture the shot of a lifetime. However, despite my efforts, the camera struggled to keep both the car and the sun in focus simultaneously. I was devastated — all the planning and anticipation seemed to culminate in disappointment.

Desperate for a solution, I tried everything to make the DSLR setup work, but to no avail. With precious time slipping away, I reluctantly abandoned the camera and hastily snapped a photo on my phone as a last resort. Disheartened, we parted ways, and I sat in my truck, grappling with the sense of defeat.

A Pleasant Surprise

Upon returning home and reviewing the photos, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that, despite not being my preferred method of photography, the picture taken with my phone captured something remarkable — the greatest image I would ever produce using such a device. It was a testament to the unpredictability and resilience inherent in the pursuit of capturing fleeting moments of beauty.

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