DipYourCar Recreates Legendary Mystichrome Paint

If you were a Ford Mustang fan and around during the SN95 and New Edge era, then you’ve probably been enamored with the colors of Mystic or Mystichrome at some point. While the 1996 Mustang Cobra sported the Mystic paint, it was in 2004 that Ford brought back the paint with a Mystichrome version. Although similar in name, the two paints offer distinct differences in hues and highlights.

The color could certainly be considered rare, but more often than not, it was the mystery of the paint produced under Ford’s ownership and the price tag attached that received the majority of the attention. There were rumors swirling that each pint would cost $500 and required a Ford Motor Company representative present to adhere to strict Ford policies before a repair job could commence. The color-shifting paint was fresh on the market and Ford wanted to champion its new color without fault. Unfortunately, Ford decided to keep these Mystic’s for the 1996 Cobra and 2004 Cobra, with an exception of a recent Ford GT receiving the classic color.

Since then Ford has relaxed on its secret formula and any PPG Platinum-certified automotive repair shop can spray the color, however, the price has remained cost prohibitive. Needless to say, this is where the enthusiast market steps in and the group at DipYourCar did its part to reproduce Mystichrome with a peelable paint finish.


DipYourCar has done several paint matches, but OEM seems to be the trickiest. This of course led to multiple subscribers tasking the YouTube channel with the legendary Mystichrome. With the help of Tommy from The Spray Source, the group sprayed a modern Mustang with a healthy dose of the new mixture and it turned out pretty close to OE-spec! As the car pulled away from the shop and the lightning changed, the paint was not far behind switching from green to purple. The imagery seen in the YouTube video rekindled my earlier days when I would attend car shows and parking lot meets to catch a glimpse of these color-shifting Cobras in the wild.

About the author

James Elkins

Born into a household of motorsport lovers, James learned that wrenching takes priority over broken skin and damaged nerves. Passions include fixing previous owners’ mistakes, writing, and driving.
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