Stop Dreading Stop Lights with CPP’s Electric Power Brake Booster

There are many reasons why race cars and classic vehicles use manual brake systems – the two most likely are a lack of vacuum and/or power steering. Another reason race cars don’t use power brakes is a lack of room in the engine bay when there’s turbo piping or other things needing precious real estate under the hood. Whether you have a classic vehicle, race car, or a fast street car that sees track time, Classic Performance Products (CPP) has introduced its new Electric Power Brake Booster Kit (PN 6772EBK-SB) to allow power brakes for increased stopping performance.

Electric Power Brake Booster

CPP’s Electric Power Brake Booster will ensure that you never have to worry about losing your braking assistance again due to a lack of engine vacuum, power steering, or engine bay real estate. This product makes use of modern iBooster technology found in many of today’s hybrid and fully electric vehicles. CPP has created a vacuum-independent, electromechanical brake booster by combining its timeless Midnight Series master cylinder with the iBooster technology. This system does not require any external pumps or modules and includes a proportioning valve. The result is a sleek-looking package that is a turnkey complete power brake system that will greatly improve the stopping performance of your vehicle.

iBooster technology was developed for hybrid and electric vehicles to improve the braking performance of those vehicles while delivering a better pedal feel to the driver. The technology uses a travel sensor that detects when the brake pedal is actuated and sends that information to the control unit. The control unit then sends a signal to an electric motor that creates boost power. This boost power is converted into hydraulic pressure inside a standard brake master cylinder.

The CPP Electric Power Brake Booster is a compact unit that only requires a simple three-wire connection for operation. Other than the quick wiring connection, the installation is a simple process no different than installing a standard brake master cylinder. According to CPP, there are more applications in the works. For more information on the Electric Power Brake Booster kit from CPP, visit their site here.

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About the author

Jeremy Nichols

Jeremy loves to go fast, whether that's on two wheels, four wheels, or boating. With a willingness to compete at almost anything, Jeremy shoots competition long-range rifles matches and races road bicycles and enjoys building vehicles for people.
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