Ford Is Heading To Evergreen Speedway To Continue 2015 Formula Drift

formula1GR-bellOn July 24th through the 25th, Ford Motor Company will be at Evergreen Speedway to promote the 2015 “Drift With Ford” sweepstakes during round five of this year’s Formula DRIFT series. Ford is also there to of course support both Mustang and professional drivers Vaughn Gittin Jr. and Justin Pawlak – two drivers who are looking to make a dent as they head into Evergreen. the series fifth installment. “We’re excited about holding a top three position in the 2015 Formula DRIFT Manufacturer’s Cup and look forward to a competitive round at Evergreen Speedway. Vaughn and Justin have done a tremendous job of showcasing the Mustang’s performance capabilities and connecting with our fans. With three rounds still to go in the end of the season, we expect a big turn out and lots of excitement in Monroe,” Steve Ling, Ford North America car marketing manager says. Ford is encouraging its fans to visit their booth at Evergreen where it will have the latest Ford Performance vehicles on display for you, including the all-new Mustang.

formula2GR-bellIf you haven’t already, we recommend you take a moment and enter the sweepstakes mentioned above. If you do, you’ll have the opportunity to to enter to win a fully custom Focus ST.

If you win the grand-prize package, you’ll get the chance to improve your drifting skills with some personalized instruction from drifting veteran Vaughn Gittin Jr. You can enter the sweepstakes at any Formula DRIFT event, or by clicking here. “Ford continues to develop and launch fantastic vehicles and we’re excited to share them with our Formula DRIFT fans,” said Mickey Matus, Ford Performance marketing communication manager. “Our involvement in the Formula DRIFT series gives us an opportunity to share our brand with a very unique market. Thanks to Mustang drivers Vaughn Gittin Jr. and Justin Pawlak along with the ‘Drift with Ford’ sweepstakes, we are able to connect with a performance-oriented crowd who has a passion for cars and the sport of drifting.”

About the author

Harrison Noble

Living in San Diego for most of his life, Harrison was exposed to a variety of cars at an early age. His passion for anything that is fast, or has a V8, brought him to Power Automedia.
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