Back in “the day,” you could waltz right up to the counter of a Hertz Rent-A-Car office, plunk down a few bucks, and drive out in a Shelby GT-350 made especially for Hertz. Alas, those days are long go (though they returned briefly a few years ago) and these days most rental fleets are made up of Chevy Malibu Classics and aging Hyundais. It’s not exactly an exciting prospect, renting a car in the 21st century.
Ahh, but Hertz remembers the good old days, and has added the “Adrenaline Collection” to its offerings. So now, in addition to the Dodge Challenger R/T and Chevy Camaro SS, Hertz now offers the Mustang GT Premium, reports Mustangs Daily.
The Adrenaline Collection gives Hertz’s lineup a much-needed shot in the arm when it comes to excitement, and is part of a promotion for Hertz’s new slogan, “Are you the Gas or the Brake.” Obviously anybody renting a Mustang (or other muscle car) certainly falls in the “gas” category.
While we’re not sure what the rates will be on the Adrenaline Collection, expect to pay something of a premium on these vehicles. On the same token, Hertz is offering a special promotion offer for anybody who rents a vehicle from the Adrenaline Collection. Use the code PC#155676 in your reservation, and you’ll save $50 on a weekly rental. Not too shabby. That’s at least an extra tank of gas, meaning you can really punish this car, whether it be for a weekend track rental, or a long haul across the country. It’s not like you own it, right?