How To: Davis Technologies Profiler Traction Control

While improving horsepower is always a high priority in racing, many races are won these days with effective power management, and traction control provided by the Davis Technologies Profiler can provide that competitive edge. Whether it’s engine tuning or traction control, jumping into a software program can be rather daunting, but drag-and-drive competitor Devin Vanderhoof of HCR Innovations put together a short, relatively easy-to-understand video that explains how to create a traction control profile in the Davis Technologies Profiler software.

Vanderhoof is well-versed in making cars go fast. All you have to do is look at his 6-second Fox-body Mustang, which has garnered a drag-and-drive win at Sick Week. Mastering the 2,800 horsepower coming from its turbocharged big-block Chevy engine and getting the car to put it to the ground is no easy feat, but Vanderhoof knows the Davis Technologies Profiler well and uses it to get down the various track surfaces in both drag-and-drive events as well as street car, heads-up racing classes. Here, he is sharing some of his knowledge of the Profiler software in this video.

While the video doesn’t go into a ton of detail, creating the traction control profile is the first step, and Vanderhoof shows how to create one using driveshaft speed data.

In the video, Vanderhoof starts with the basics of creating a traction control profile based on a previous datalog of the vehicle’s driveshaft speed. From there, he talks about his recommended grip intervals and interval average numbers, as well as using the location feature to move your entire profile in one direction or another.

The Profiler software also allows you to build and/or modify your traction control profile from the data of a number of runs and the data sources you may be logging to take the best parts of each and have them reflected in the profile.

From there, he briefly talks about the Show Ranges option that allows you to see how the driveshaft speed moves within the ranges. In particular, he shows the ignition timing range and how you can make adjustments to that using the zone settings.

Using the Profiler software’s Show Ranges option, you can see how the driveshaft speed moves within the specified ranges that can be used to adjust for changes in wheel speed to maintain traction.

For those new to the Davis Technologies Profiler and its software to control traction, the video is a great introduction to the software without overwhelming the viewer with too many tables and data logs. For those who may be a little more advanced on the topic or familiar with the software, Vanderhoof does go into how you can pull in your data from another system such as Holley EFI and compare it to the Profiler’s traction profile. You can watch more of his tutorials on his YouTube channel HERE.

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About the author

Steve Baur

A lifelong automotive enthusiast, Steve Baur attended the University of South Florida for journalism and has worked as a technical editor and editor for numerous automotive publications for over 20 years.
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