Installing A Tubular Front End From Team Z Motorsports

There’s only so much space available under the hood of a Mustang, and if you’re trying to put a bigger engine between the fenders or add a turbo kit you can run out of real estate in a hurry. A tubular front end is a perfect way to gain some space and save some weight with a single modification.

The Team Z Motorsports Tubular Front End kit is a simple solution if you want to remove the OEM sheet metal from the engine bay of a Mustang. These kits are available in both welded and unwelded formats and come with all the hardware you need to get them installed. The kits are made from 4130 chrome-moly — this adds strength to the front end and makes the 25-pound weight reduction they provide possible.

If you’re the DIY type, Team Z’s Tubular Front End kit is something you can install at home with the right tools. The most intimidating part of this installation is cutting off the OEM front end structure, but if you’re detail-oriented, it’s really not that bad; just remember, measure twice and cut once.

In this video, Dave Zimmerman, the owner of Team Z Motorsports, shows you just how to install one of these Tubular Front End kits. There are a lot of good tips you can pick up in the video if you’re thinking about adding this kit to your Mustang. Make sure you check out the Team Z Motorsports website right here to learn more about this product.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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