Boost Bronco Performance With COBB Tuning’s Intake System

COBB Tuning released a new intake system for the 2021 and newer Ford Bronco, equipped with either the 2.3- or 2.7-liter engine. The system enhances airflow and performance with adaptable configurations for different driving situations. The product offers Bronco owners a way to customize their vehicle’s intake based on individual needs.

COBB Tuning New Intake System

The COBB intake system’s design complements the Bronco’s factory appearance. Injection-molded plastic constructs the system, providing a unified look within the engine compartment. Two interchangeable window options form a core design element. A clear polycarbonate window seals the airbox.

COBB Tuning New Intake System

This sealed setup works well for off-road driving and potential water crossings. An open aluminum mesh grate provides an alternative. It allows increased airflow and a more distinct intake sound, making it suitable for on-road use. Users can easily switch between the two configurations.

Performance gains were measured by COBB Tuning through testing with both window options. A 9-percent airflow increase over the stock intake resulted from using the sealed polycarbonate window during testing. The open aluminum mesh window provided a larger improvement — a 21-percent increase in airflow compared to the factory setup.

COBB Tuning New Intake System

This improved airflow can lead to enhanced throttle response and improved engine performance. The company’s focus on performance testing gives customers data-supported information about the product’s capabilities.

COBB Tuning New Intake System

A custom, high-performance air filter is included with the COBB intake system. This specially designed filter meets the specific needs of the Bronco’s engine. The system’s design and the included filter function together to provide a noticeable airflow improvement.

The intake system also features a straightforward installation. The company reports installation can be completed quickly, making it an accessible upgrade for Bronco owners. This simple installation avoids the need for complex modifications.

COBB Tuning New Intake System

This offering from COBB Tuning gives Ford Bronco owners a flexible and effective intake solution. The system’s adaptable design, performance improvements, and simple installation create a valuable addition to available aftermarket parts for the Bronco. The inclusion of two distinct window options lets drivers select the best setup for their driving environment. Thanks to the COBB intake system’s adaptability, their new product is a worthy upgrade.

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