SGMP To Host $100K Street Light World Challenge

South Georgia Motorsports Park has announced an event that will definitely grab your attention. The event is dubbed the $100K Street Light World Challenge with a payout of $20,000 for the winner! Where else can an 11, 12 or 13 second drag race car have a chance to win that kind of money at a single event? 

Image credit: South Georgia Motorsports Park

Image credit: South Georgia Motorsports Park

The race will be setup around a one-0ff starting system that was developed specifically for this race. The traditional Christmas tree light will be replaced by a standard traffic light that has two bulbs side by side, hence the name “Street Light Challenge”.  The light has been setup to go directly from red to green, just like a traditional light, but if a car red lights, the red bulb will flash.

For this event there will be a total of two, 32-car fields each paying out $20,000 to the top spot. There will be a Class-A bracket for cars running between 9.0 to 10.99 second elapsed times and a Class-B for cars running between 11.0 and 13.5 seconds. Each 32 car field will be chosen based upon the tightest, consistent and fascinating racers in the group, so it won’t necessarily be the fastest car that wins the race. The race is limited to door cars that are running without delay boxes or any other electronics that limits the car’s performance.

Both class winners are guaranteed $20,000, runners-up in each class will receive $10,000, with $4,000 going to both semi-final losers (in each class), $1,000 to all third-round losers, $500 to all second-round losers and $250 for all first-round losing entries.

Pre-entry registration opened up on July 1st, so hurry up and get yourself signed up. The pre-entry will be limited to 300 vehicles per class and absolutely no entries will be accepted at the gate. The entry fee for car and driver is set at $200 and crew members will be an additional $50 each. For more information regarding this unique event, please visit the SGMP website for further details.


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