Skip The Dealership By Winning This Shelby GT500

To many fans, the 2020-2022 Shelby GT500 is the pinnacle of the Ford Mustang’s existence. After all, the 5.2-liter Predator powerplant pumps out a healthy 760 supercharged horsepower and is attached to a TREMEC 7-speed DCT transmission that produces lightning fast shifts. While the car resembles everything a Mustang owner could ever desire, there is one hold back for many: the price tag. Even at MSRP the car is out of the reach for most consumers, but add in any additional dealer markup (ADM) and the halo ‘Stang is now well outside the realm of most consumers’ financial capabilities. However, there are other ways to achieve the lofty goal.

Shelby GT500

The 2022 Shelby GT500 is packed with power, performance, and amazing handling.

While the saying, “you can live in a car, but you can’t race a house” quickly comes to mind, there are better ways to spend your time and Dream Giveaway has an option that might fit your lifestyle a little better. This year the group has decided to use a Heritage Edition 2022 Shelby GT500 as a prize and single tickets can be purchased for as little as $3. Imagine cruising home in a brand new Shelby GT500 after spending less than what a gallon of gasoline cost. The company has also teamed up with Anderson Composites and American Car Craft to add a little spice to the zesty pony.

But what about the state or federal taxes that come associated with winnings? Well, no need to sell the car back to the dealer to satisfy the tax man, Dream Giveaway includes $24,000 to cover it. So, if owning a 2022 Shelby GT500 Heritage Edition is on your bucket list then simply click the link here and try your luck. Best of all, each donation is an entry with some of the funds benefiting numerous charitable organizations.

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About the author

James Elkins

Born into a household of motorsport lovers, James learned that wrenching takes priority over broken skin and damaged nerves. Passions include fixing previous owners’ mistakes, writing, and driving.
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