After a long year of waiting, master Hoon Ken Block has finally blessed us with the next in the Gymkhana series. The Hoonicorn action in Gymkhana Seven left some high expectations for this next episode, but we like to think that all those expectations were more than met.In this installment, however, the all-wheel drive Mustang and streets of Los Angeles were ditched for the more exotic. Block instead wields his monstrous Ford Fiesta, creating a pleasant contrast to the exotic cars and scenery it weaves between.
But even if Block and his weaponized Ford Fiesta were limited to the blandest of scenery, his driving skills alone would be enough to have us glued to the screen. The way he’s able to flick the 650-horsepower hatchback around is nothing short of hypnotizing.
Of course, Dubai is anything but bland. As is typical of Gymkhana, Block is tasked with skating around amongst loads of obstacles, leaving no room for error. And since this is Dubai, most of those obstacles (read, “exotic cars”) are incidentally very expensive.
However, Block remains un-phased; every time the video glances at him in the driver’s seat, he has nothing but a big grin on his face. And for all nine minutes, so did we. From the two-wheeling Ford Raptor, to the unbelievable hair-pin drifts, to the fact that Block spends 75 percent of the video lighting up the tires – we’re thoroughly satisfied with this latest Gymkhana.Also, as icing on the cake, the video spends it’s last 30 seconds teasing Block’s next set of wheels: the Ford Focus ‘RS RX’. The sinister-looking drift machine is proclaimed to feature in the 9th Gymkhana, and we’re already counting days until its release.
But what do you think? Did Gymkhana Eight live up to your expectations, or did it leave you wanting more? Let us know in the comments below.