Video: CJ Pony Parts Installs Ford Racing’s Cat-Back On A ’15 GT

Our friend Bill Tumas over at CJ Pony Parts, was able to get his hands on a beautiful new blue 2015 Mustang GT, for his personal car. Tumas is the friendly and knowledgeable host of nearly all of CJ’s videos, and he’s wasting no time modifying his new GT to his personal taste.

Getting the factory system looks pretty easy.

In one of CJ’s latest Videos, Tumas installs Ford Racing’s Touring cat-back exhaust system on his car, and takes viewers through the process step by step. We have to say that although some of our readers aren’t necessarily fans of the IRS suspension, the fact that Ford routed the exhaust under it, makes replacing the cat-back system incredibly easy, perhaps one of the easiest ever.

Tumas says there were a few reasons why he chose this particular system for his car. First, he had the same system on his previous 2011 Coyote powered Mustang GT, a car he traded in for this one. Second, the full cat-back, instead of just an axle-back system, allows for the replacement of the resonator, also referred to by some as the suitcase. This thing is present in the Mustang exhaust system to help it meet noise laws in a variety of markets outside the USA. The problem is, that the resonator is not only a heavy, additional piece of hardware, but it also has been proven to rob a significant amount of power from the engine.

Left Before. Right After.

The Ford Racing system installs in sections and fits like it came from the factory this way.

Tumas demonstrates removing the exhaust, and getting the Ford Racing system installed. The system is made for Ford by Borla, and is fully stainless, and available with black tail pipes, adding a nice look to the rear of the car. Since it was designed by Ford, it also fits just like it came there from the factory.

You can hear Tumas’s satisfaction as he fires up the car at the end of the video, and we have to say, that while a stock GT doesn’t sound bad, like any Mustang aftermarket exhaust makes all the difference.

CJ Pony Parts has this and a slew of other parts for the ’15 Mustang available now, so be sure to check them out, whatever their needs are, and keep watching as Bill continues to modify his personal car in more CJ Pony Parts videos.

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About the author

Don Creason

Don Creason is an automotive journalist with passions that lie from everything classic, all the way to modern muscle. Experienced tech writer, and all around car aficionado, Don's love for both cars and writing makes him the perfect addition to the Power Automedia team of experts.
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