Video: Motovicity Interviews Sponsored Racer Dyno Joe Cram

In 2012 Motovicity, a longtime supplier to many tuner and sport compact shops was looking to get into the late model muscle car segment. Brett Kinsfather from Motovicity tells us, “We’re all performance enthusiasts here, and knew this would be a good market for the company to be in.” Kinsfather says the company saw a growing number of shops that may have formerly been “tuner” only, meaning they dealt primarily with import cars, expanding into the lucrative late model muscle market. Retaining and even expanding their business with those customers was obviously important to Motovicity. “We place a high value on personal relationships with our customers, and wanted to continue to give them great customer service,” says Kinsfather.

To help promote their preseence both markets, Motovicity developed their Ticket To Ride program in 2013. This allows shops that participate in the program a chance to win and modify either a new Scion FRS, or new Mustang GT. The two cars will then face off showcasing both the product lines that Motovicity carries, and the talents of the shops.

To help get the word out that they’re now in the muscle car performance aftermarket, Motovicity was approached by Exedy, one of their suppliers, to sponsor a Mustang racer.

Dyno Joe Cram was chosen because he represents many of the same values that Motovicity holds as a company. Cram is well known in the NMRA and other racing circles, and his warm and generous personality made him an ideal candidate to talk to fellow racers who also own shops about becoming involved as Motovicity clients.

Cram told us in a recent interview, “Without the support of Motovicity, we would not be making it to all the races that we are this year.” Cram will be attending races on the full NMRA schedule, and was recently at the NMCA race in Pomona. He’s also heading to several local races near his hometown of Houston, Texas.

Cram also recently had a chance to visit a Motovicity distribution center, and see first hand the number of parts the company stocks, ready to ship to shops nationwide. We don’t know of a better ambassador for Motovicity than Cram, and look forward to seeing how his Mustang fares in NMRA competition the rest of this season. Checkout the Motovicity interview with Dyno Joe, and if you’re a performance shop, check out Motovicity’s Ticket To Ride contest, it could net you a new Mustang to build and showcase your talents.

About the author

Don Creason

Don Creason is an automotive journalist with passions that lie from everything classic, all the way to modern muscle. Experienced tech writer, and all around car aficionado, Don's love for both cars and writing makes him the perfect addition to the Power Automedia team of experts.
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