Video: The Science of Aeromotive’s Fuel Pump Speed Controller

As horsepower increases so does a need for fuel systems that can handle the kind of power modern performance cars are making. Aeromotive has been in the fuel system game for a number of years, and supplies everything from direct fit and custom fuel system solutions for applications from classics, to modern muscle cars, and even hardcore racers.

With big fuel systems on the street, several factors come into play that can make life in a high powered street car complicated. That’s where a Fuel Pump Speed Controller comes into play. While cruising around town, most extreme performance engines don’t need the maximum amount of fuel that a system can provide, so a large percentage of that fuel is getting sent back through the return lines.

Constantly cycling so much fuel can lead to heat soaked fuel, which can actually boil in the tank, and even cause vapor issues in the lines, starving an engine for fuel and causing drivability nightmares.

A fuel pump speed controller works by pulsing the fuel pump rapidly. This is the same idea many OEM’s use to run their returnless fuel systems. The Aeromotive FPSC, part number 16306, is user programmable, stepping up performance at predetermined inputs set by the owner, ensuring there’s adequate fuel flow when needed, and quiet pump operation, as well as less fuel exposed to heat when the engine is doing light duty.

Pulse width modulation works by rapidly cycling the pump on and off. This might sound like a bad idea, but when properly programmed the system works exactly as it is supposed to. We recently found this video by Tony Candella of CE Auto Electric that breaks down how pulse-width modulation works specifically in the Aeromotive FPSC. While the video was not made by Aermotive it’s an excellent representation and insight into the workings of the controller.

Candella explains how pulse width modulation works, and even demonstrates it on his own car with an oscilloscope and volt meters.

We’re putting one of these on our own Project Wild E Coyote as well in an upcoming article. Check out the video for a better understanding of how a FPSC works, and benefits a high performance street car’s fuel system. and watch for the upcoming story on Wild E Coyote’s new Aeromotive fuel system.

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About the author

Don Creason

Don Creason is an automotive journalist with passions that lie from everything classic, all the way to modern muscle. Experienced tech writer, and all around car aficionado, Don's love for both cars and writing makes him the perfect addition to the Power Automedia team of experts.
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