Video: A Diesel-Powered, Tri-Turbo Mustang

Since the first Mustang rolled off of the factory floor, it has been solely a gasoline-powered vehicle. Sure, once you get into the more epic racing series, alcohol and ethanol generally replace pump gas. But swapping in something like a diesel engine requires a huge commitment of time, money, and energy. Yet the end result is so, so worth it.

Just watch this video of a Cummins-powered tubular chassis Mustang belching out black smoke and running down the 1/8th mile in just over 5 seconds. What a beast!

Perhaps the most famous diesel Mustang belongs to Nitrous Xpress owner Mike Wood, who consistently runs 10’s in the ¼ while getting over 30 miles per gallon. These days Mustang owners are looking for any way to stand out from the crowd, and the builder of this diesel-powered beast will certainly stand out at any show or drag race.

The engine is a Cummins inline-six diesel with not one, not two, but three turbochargers. Bearing the body of a SN-95 Mustang, the “CumStang” as it is inappropriately called has already run down the 1/8th mile in 5.63 seconds, which absolutely translates to a single-digit quarter-mile time. Plus it sounds so mean and viscous that there is no mistaking it for anything else.

Keep in mind though, a Cummins diesel engine weighs about 900 pounds by itself. Add on the transmission and fluids and you’re looking at 1,400+ pounds just in the drivetrain. We can tell you right now the stock drivetrain would hold up to that, though there doesn’t appear to be anything “stock” about the CumStang. 

Are diesel-powered Mustangs becoming a trend? Or would you rather stick with the tried-and-true gasoline motors?


About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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