Video: What The Hell Happened To This Mustang?

We are all for the First Amendment, freedom of expression, and doing pretty much whatever you want, within reason. This is especially true when it comes to cars, which serve as a medium for us gearheads to express ourselves to the world. So whether that means driving a bright pink Mustang, or one that rides on a 4×4 chassis, we always appreciate someone taking a chance and doing something different, as long as they do it well.

While we generally hate to say it, whoever take the hacksaw to the Mustang starring in this next video should really stay away from cars. This car is awful from every angle, and we’re not sure what the builder was aiming for, except maybe to confuse and infuriate other Mustang owners.

We’re thinking these photos came from some sort of craigslist posting, but we can’t find the offending post to be sure. And frankly, we’re not sure we even want to know anything more about this monstrosity. While this is obviously an old Fox-body notchback coupe, formerly painted silver, it has been dropped onto the frame of some kind of 4×4…poorly.

The owner seemed to be trying to make a Trar, a combination truck and car, but quit halfway through. As a result the Mustang sits at an odd angle, sporting a drag racing hoodscoop but hilariously undersized truck tires. Worst of all, the Mustang doesn’t even seem to be centered on the frame…we’re wondering if it was even bolted up, or just sitting on the frame as-is?

You know what? We don’t even want to know.


About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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