PRI 2017: Bolt-On Nitrous Plate Adds Easy 5.0 Power

It’s good to be the Boss.

Gone are the days where enthusiasts were left to fend for themselves if they wanted a complete nitrous system for their Mustangs. No longer are we expected to fabricate our own lines, fittings and hoses for helping to plumb your Mustang with a hit of “the juice.”

We live in a time where laughing gas suppliers like Nitrous Oxide Systems supply enthusiasts with a complete solution. The company’s latest addition? A complete, ready-to-install kit for Coyote-powered Mustangs.

The latest NOS Coyote kit is said to be a complete bolt-on solution.

“Our latest kit will fit a stock Coyote intake manifold, as well as a Boss 302 version too,” Darko Palkic of NOS told us. “The kit also includes our Mini Two-Stage Programmer. This allows you to tap into the throttle body, which uses a signal from the throttle body and the ignition coil pack, which will give you the throttle position. The system is capable of supplying more than 250 horsepower, but you’ll have to purchase additional jetting for that.”

Darko also informed us that the purpose of its latest kit is centered around a true, bolt-on installation. The kit won’t require you to make any permanent modifications, such as tapping your intake manifold, and will include all of the necessary hardware to complete the installation. Nitrous Oxide Systems offers more than one kit for Coyote cars and Mustangs alike, so check out its website here for more information.

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About the author

Harrison Noble

Living in San Diego for most of his life, Harrison was exposed to a variety of cars at an early age. His passion for anything that is fast, or has a V8, brought him to Power Automedia.
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