PRI 2024: Holley Teases New Coyote Intake Suited For Boosted Combos

In recent years, Holley created several intake manifolds to unlock the breathing potential of the Coyote engine. While its Lo-Ram intake fits well, and it’s tough to beat for many street-going applications, for those who want to run big boost from superchargers and turbochargers, another configuration was in order.

At this year’s show, Holley teased an intake that is far more suited to these applications — a Hi-Ram intake designed to accept a range of round factory and aftermarket throttle bodies.

“About a year and a half ago, we released the Hi-Ram variation with oval throttle bodies only, which is not what people run for boosted or they’ll put on a round conversion adapter, but it’s that’s not good for airflow,” Mark Gearhart, Business Unit Director, EFI and Ignition at Holley explained.

Holley only teased the Coyote intake at the PRI Show, as the production won’t be available until early next year, but as you can see here, it is compatible with a Tick Performance air-to-water intercooler, which tames inlet temperatures delivered by a boost maker.

“Tick comes out with an intercooler for the Hi-Ram, and guys would say, ‘You need to make a round throttle body version,’ Mark added. “It makes sense, too, so honestly, it is exactly the same intake manifold as the original Hi-Ram, but with the round throttle body, which is the preference, obviously, when you run a boosted application.”

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About the author

Steve Turner

Steve Turner brings decades of passion and knowledge in the world of Ford performance, having covered it for over 20 years. From the swan song of the Fox Mustang to the birth of the Coyote, Steve had a front-row seat.
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