Fight Turbo System Heat With A DEI Wastegate Shield

Turbo systems introduce a lot of heat into the engine bay of any vehicle. This extra heat can be damaging to sensitive electronics and other components if left unchecked. Design Engineering, Inc. (DEI) created Wastegate Heat Sheilds to help combat turbo system heat.

DEI is known for its high-quality turbo heat shields, and it has incorporated that knowledge into its Wastegate Heat Shields. These Wastegate Heat Shields will help improve your turbo system’s efficiency, make it easier to work on your vehicle without getting burned by hot parts, and lower the overall ambient temperature under the hood of your vehicle.

The Wastegate Heat Shields use outstanding thermal insulating properties to reduce heat. Each Wastegate Heat Shield is made of a Titanium LR outer layer that’s backed by stainless steel and silica inner layers. These high-tech composite materials do an outstanding job keeping heat from escaping. DEI uses stainless steel mesh and thread to hold everything together and to increase durability.

Since ounces and pounds count in racing applications, DEI made sure the Wastegate Heat Shields are as light as possible. The Wastegate Heat Shields are held in place by durable riveted tie downs. DEI Wastegate Heat Shields will fit 40-45mm TurboSmart wastegates, CompGates, and HyperGates.

So, if you’re working on a turbocharged project and need to reduce the amount of heat released under the hood the Wastegate Heat Shields are for you. You can learn more about the DEI Wastegate Heat Shields right here on the company’s website.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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