Ford Mustang Teams Up With John Cena For Contest

The WWE (formerly known as the WWF before a buncha hippies got uptight about it) is the world’s best-known wrestling league. With legends like Triple H, the Big Show, and the Rock on their roster, the WWE is one of the best known entertainment organizations in the world. Their global reach and rock star lifestyle goes well with a car like the Ford Mustang.

That is why it doesn’t surprise us that WWE legend John Cena teamed up with Ford to help promote a contest where you can win a customized Ford Mustang GT worth about $65,000.

John Cena is currently at the top of his game, holding ten WWE championship titles and inspiring a legion of followers. Who also happens to be a muscle car guy, and has on several occasions entered the show in a Mustang. So it was a natural choice to have Mr. Cena help promote this contest, called “The John Cena Experience.”

The winner will take home a 2012 Ford Mustang GT that has been heavily customized. The estimated value of this car is $65,000, and from the looks of it a badass bodykit is the least of the modifications. We expect a supercharger, custom interior, and plenty of other modifications to this car. In addition to the car, the winner will also recieve $10,000 in cash to help pay for taxes, title, registration, etc. etc.

It is quick, free, and easy to enter, so even if you’re not a wrestling fan, click this link to enter the contest ASAP.

About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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