Video: Ford Australia Kills Frogs For EcoBoost Ad

Australia, like America and Europe, is looking to impose strict new emissions standards on all new vehicles. For most people this doesn’t matter much. But for the many fans of Australia’s rich performance car market, the thought of power-robbing emissions equipment sends a shudder down the spine of any gearhead. Not even Ford’s famous Falcon is immune from the new emissions standards.

But Ford wants its Australian consumers to know that the new EcoBoost-powered Falcon will still possess plenty of power and speed, as one of the toads in this new advertisement learned the hard way.

This is one of those car commercials that doesn’t really seem like a car commercial until the last few seconds. For the first minute or so, it’s just two toads talking about this and that, and one of them is even getting high and tripping off of his own mucas secretion. Gross, right? Well it’s about to get grosser.

The toad under the influence of itself hears a car coming, but the snarky one dismisses it as a slow four-cylinder, a fatal mistake. Moments later a new, 250 horsepower EcoBoost-powered Ford Falcon crushes the snarky toad, leaving his delirious friend trying to figure out what the hell that was.

It was EcoBoost Mr. Toad. Better recognize!

About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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