Video: Shelby GT500 T-Boned By Lambo During Race

European car enthusiasts love to trot out exotic car manufacturers like Lamborghini as a reason why Old World engineering is better. We of course beg to differ, as our American cars may not be as fancy or expensive, but they are every bit as powerful, and damn reliable to boot. This even includes our top-end supercars like the Shelby GT500, and we have the video proof.

This video Carscoop came across shows footage from the annual GT500 Cup, which is apparently a celebration/race of all things high performance. Watch as the driver of a Lamborghini Gallardo loses control around a corner, T-bones a Shelby GT500…and the Shelby keeps on driving, barely missing a beat.

We actually have two angles of the accident, one from a well-placed spectator, the other from a roof-mounted camera on the Shelby. The GT500 sticks close to the Gallardo’s tail throughout the race, especially on the straightaways, though the Lambo starts to pull away in the corners. Then around one particular corner, about 2-minutes and 50-seconds in on the roof camera video, the Gallardo’s rear end swings wide.

The obviously inexperienced Lambo driver then over corrects while simultaneously slamming on his brakes, a very big no-no if you’re trying to regain control. The Lambo turns to the right and slams into the door of the Shelby…which carries on its merry way, leaving smashed bits of Lamborghini littering the track.

Built Ford Tough, as they used to say.

About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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