Quiet Your Ford Coyote Engine Tick With An Easy Fix From LIQUI MOLY

LIQUI MOLY offers a straightforward solution for a common problem in Ford Mustangs and F-150s equipped with the powerful 5.0-liter Coyote engine: annoying ticking from the valve lifters. The ticking within the engine often happens due to low oil pressure and blocked oil flow passages. World Mechanics published a video of an easy fix using these products that will solve this problem without the need for expensive teardowns.

Ford Coyote EngineThe first step is to use LIQUI MOLY Engine Flush. This product is designed to dissolve sludge, varnish, and other deposits that accumulate in your engine over time. These deposits can clog oil passages that restrict oil flow. to the lifters and cause the ticking noise.Liqui Moly Engine FlushAfter flushing the engine, the next thing is a change of oil. He recommended LIQUI MOLY Special Tec oil that is prepared to meet Ford’s severe performance standards. So excellent lubrication and protection from all the engine’s lifters are present. Liqui Moly Special OilThe next one is applying LIQUI MOLY Cera Tec. It is a type of ceramic wear protection additive that reduces friction and wear inside the engine. It provides ceramic particles for metal surfaces to build up protective layers, which enables parts inside the engine to slide against each other much more smoothly. Liqui Moly Cera Tec To repeat this process in simpler terms, just mix the engine flush with your old oil, run the engine for a short period, then drain the oil and replace the filter. After that, fill the engine with fresh LIQUI MOLY Special Tec oil and add two bottles of Cera Tec. Then, run the engine outdoors for 5-10 minutes to allow the new oil and additive to circulate.Liqui MolyAccording to the video, most people do appreciate fast improvements in valve lifter noise after application. Ticking should disappear once the tank is topped three to four times after using LIQUI MOLY Cera Tec.World MechanicsThis simple LIQUI MOLY solution offers Ford Coyote engine owners an effective and affordable way to tackle a common problem. By keeping your engine clean, well-lubricated, and protected from wear, you can enjoy a smoother, quieter ride for miles to come.

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