Video: Ford Trophy Truck Folds In Half After Big Jump

Since the dawn of the automobile mankind has figured out plenty of creative ways to compete with cars and trucks. One of the crazier hobbies of those who seek high-flying thrills is trophy truck racing, which in this case devolves into seeing who can catch the most air while driving full speed off of sand dunes.

trophy-truckThis next video stars Mike Higgins, who flies high and far over a sand dune at Silver Lake Sand Dunes, near Lake Michigan. Going over 180 feet, the jump was good, but the landing left something to be desired, namely, an operable vehicle. His trophy truck folds up like a wallet, though Mike himself was unhurt according to Dune TV.

This jump really is insane, like something out of a summer action film, Higgins launches the truck into low-Earth orbit off of the dune. By our uneducated guesstimate, the front of his Ford trophy truck must have been close to 40 feet off the ground, facing almost straight up after the launch. We bet Higgins knew he was in trouble when all he could see was sky in front of him.

Unlike in the movies where after a big jump the hero’s vehicle simply drives away, this truck lands hard on its back end, and even harder on the front, bending or snapping the frame and folding the trophy truck into a V-shape. There is plenty of foul language thrown around after the peanut gallery gets in close for a look, but suffice to say this truck is going to need a lot of work before it is ready to take on the dunes again.


About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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