Video: Mustang Meets Paris In VR Remake Of Classic Film

Hollywood has a long and sordid love with the automobile, and the Ford Mustang has been a favorite of stars and directors alike for over 50 years now. In fact, according to the Internet Movie Car Database, the only vehicle featured in more movies than the Mustang is the Ford Crown Victoria, America’s favorite (and most frequently exploded) police car for the past three decades.


Hollywood doesn’t have a monopoly on the Mustang, however, and Ford took to the streets of Paris to remake a classic French short film C’était un Rendez-Vous using Virtual Reality technology to create a 360-degree movie experience. The combination of the Mustang’s throaty 5.0-liter V8 motor juxtaposed against the historic and beautiful backdrop of the City of Light is one of our favorite Ford films to date.

The original 9-minute film “…was about the feeling of freedom and the pleasure driving generates,” says Claude Lelouch, who directed the 1976 movie. “I had goose bumps watching ‘C’etait un Rendez-Vous’ 40 years later in virtual reality.”

He also won an Oscar for his 1966 movie A Man and a Woman which features a Mustang racing the famed Monte Carlo rally.


Ford stayed as true as it could to Lelouch’s original vision, and landmarks such as the Arc de Triomphe, Sacré Cœur Basilica, and Montmartre make appearances. However, the route had to be changed as some of the roads no longer exist, and in a fun twist, the original male driver has been replaced with a woman.

This clip above is but a small taste of the entire film, which will be released in its entirety later this month as an immersive VR experience via the Ford VR app available on Android or iOS platforms.

About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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