The Time Bob Folkestad Revived a Barn Find 1967 Shelby GT-500

Barn finds are what car people dream of. What is behind those barn doors? Did that old man really mothball a new Mustang after buying it? Will he open fire when I knock on his door or ask me where the hell I saw a for sale sign at? These are all the questions that run through my head as I cruise through the Texas countryside. Unfortunately, as the internet has progressed society, so has its ability to weed out these classic cars’ hiding places. However, Bob Folkestad was able to procure a 1967 Mustang GT-500 in the most random of finds.

If the name Folkestad rings a bell, it’s probably because of his latest creation “Foxzilla” that has been creating a stir since the renderings were released pre-2021 SEMA. The Procharged, 7.3-liter Godzilla equipped 1988 Mustang is all that one could want in a big power and trackable Fox Body, but I digress. A few years before the Fox Body that Bob and his son Preston built, they became well known for recovering a 1967 Shelby GT-500 from a countryside barn after a phone call from a friend had informed him of the potential find.

It’s the coolest car I’ve ever found, period. Bob Folkestad

Unlike a lot of treasure hunters, Folkestad was not in it to make a quick flip or save a few bucks at the expense of the wife of the original owner. Instead he chose to keep this car as part of his personal collection and had one of the leading appraisers assess the car before paying the widow full value. Once the appraisal was finished Folkestad offered the widow a $65,000 offer to own the car as it sits.


Cars are meant to be driven and Folkestad is not afraid to burn some rubber in the process!

While the internet went abuzz with the find, everyone kept asking what happened to the car? Well as seen in the video above the car ended up being fully restored and turned into a driver. After all, as Folkestad would say, “cars are meant to be driven.” Meanwhile, his co-pilot pups seem to think Folkestad bought it for them.

About the author

James Elkins

Born into a household of motorsport lovers, James learned that wrenching takes priority over broken skin and damaged nerves. Passions include fixing previous owners’ mistakes, writing, and driving.
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