PRI 2021: The Driveshaft Shop Introduces Pro-Level Axles

PRI 2021: The Driveshaft Shop Introduces Pro-Level Axles

​​Innovation is not one of the Performance Racing Industry show’s shortcomings. Every year thousands of enthusiasts flock to the Indianapolis Convention Center to catch a glimpse of the new and innovative markets that could change how we perceive a new product for years to come. And this year, one company that’s pushing the new age envelope was The Driveshaft Shop, with the introduction of a new axle design. 

If you’re into modern muscle cars like the Camaro, Corvette, Challenger, Charger, and Mustangs, then you know that all of these cars have something in common, independent rear suspension. However, you will also know that adding more horsepower to these vehicles will find a weak link, usually the axles. And while The Driveshaft Shop offers high-performance axles for these vehicles, they had a new design to show off at this year’s PRI trade show. 

Pro-Level Axles

We spoke with Tad Todmann of the Driveshaft Shop about their innovative axle design, which offers a two-piece design where the splined end shaft slides in instead of one piece. Toddman said, “We use a 4340 steel on the actual housing, and then the bar plug is 300M alloy.” 300M is an extremely tough material widely used in the aircraft industry due to its fatigue strength and ductility, making them a perfect fit for the high horsepower cars of today. And the DSS advertises these Pro-Level axles at 2,000 Horsepower.

The new Pro-Level Direct-fit axles should be available in 2022. For updates on these axles and other products from the Driveshaft Shop, please visit their website

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About the author

Brian Havins

A gearhead for life, Brian is obsessed with all things fast. Banging gears, turning wrenches, and praying while spraying are just a few of his favorite things.
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