Video: Speed Secrets with Kenny Brown Talks Brake Cooling and Ducts

We often talk about heat being the enemy of performance, it robs horsepower from engines, and alters the viscosity of fluid in the transmission and differential. We probably don’t start thinking about heat in terms of how it impacts our brakes, until we start to feel a difference in the pedal, and at that point it may be too late. Boiling brake fluid, fading pads, and severely damaged rotors can all cause nightmare scenarios on the track.

In one of his Speed Secrets with Kenny Brown videos, Kenny Brown talks about how his company prefers to handle brake cooling duct routing for the front of the car, and the proper way to set that ducting up. According to Brown, optimum brake cooling duct placement, will have the outlet of the duct pointed at the eye of the brake rotor. This is because the rotors cool through their vanes, and are typically designed to cool inside out. Pointing most or all of the hose at the rotor face lessens the impact of the fresh cool air.

KB also uses a 3-inch diameter hose for brake cooling ducts instead of a 4-inch. He has two reasons for doing this. Th is allows them to somewhat squash the end of the hose that will face the rotor in order to get more air flowing to the eye of the rotor, rather than its face. This is easily achieved with this size hose. Brown also says that the 3-inch hose is easier to route around various equipment, accessories, and suspension components, making installation and maintenance easier.

The kit from KB is available with either a neoprene or silicone hose. The silicone hose is preferred, because it can withstand temperatures of up to 600º Fahrenheit. The kits are universal, so that owners can route the hoses as needed, since every car is different. Also included in the kit is a collector for routing the incoming air to the hose, this piece is a trim to fit, allowing owners to place it in the best position possible. Brown recommends placing the collector as close to the center of the car as possible, this is generally where the air pressure will be highest and the highest volume of air available.

Be sure to check out the Kenny Brown Performance web-site for more information on these kits, and the high performance parts.

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About the author

Don Creason

Don Creason is an automotive journalist with passions that lie from everything classic, all the way to modern muscle. Experienced tech writer, and all around car aficionado, Don's love for both cars and writing makes him the perfect addition to the Power Automedia team of experts.
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