Pistons take a beating during the combustion processes, as they’re pounded with heat and explosive forces. Companies have developed different types of coatings for pistons that increase durability and increase performance. Joe Maylish from MAHLE Motorsport explains why the company uses a Phosphate Dry Lubricant on its PowerPak line of pistons.
A dry or solid lubricant is designed to fight friction that is generated between two surfaces. As the name implies, a dry lubricant achieves this without any liquid. These types of lubricants are known for their ability to operate in high-temperature environments, which makes them perfect for pistons. The thermal protection these coatings provide lower the piston’s operating temperatures, and assists with getting heat out of the engine quicker.
The metal-on-metal action between a piston and the cylinder walls is brutal on any material. Applying a Phosphate Dry Lubricant is going to allow the piston to slide up and down inside the cylinder smoothly while adding an extra layer of protection above what the engine oil provides. The Phosphate Dry Lubricant will prevent and reduce pin galling and micro-welding that can damage the piston, and hinder its ability to function properly. Galling, or adhesive wear, can chip away at the life of a piston and can cause a host of other issues that will negatively impact an engine’s performance.
MAHLE Motorsport PowerPak Pistons are available for a wide variety of applications. If you’re trying to make a lot of horsepower you can learn more about these pistons and the Phosphate Dry Lubricant MAHLE uses right here.