Dennis Bailey And BB&T Racing Set To Return To Radial Racing


Flash back to October 2010 — a cool fall afternoon at South Georgia Motorsports Park for ORTC Radial Revolution, as the second round of Outlaw Radial vs. 29 x 10.5 kicked off with a bang. Mississippi native Dennis Bailey was alongside Carlton Thompson in a new edge, twin turbocharged Ford Mustang battle to see who advanced to the round of eight cars left standing.

The moment when Dennis Bailey became an internet sensation and his name went worldwide.

The moment when Dennis Bailey became an internet sensation and his name went worldwide.

Leaving the starting line, all seemed well until Bailey powered into a wheelstand around the mid-track point, pedaled it to bring the front end down, and stabbed the throttle to try and hold off the hard charging Thompson. As he rolled back into the loud pedal, the front end went straight back in the air and all four tires lifted off the ground — the 3,000-plus pound Ford Mustang flying through the air.

The car leaned left and landed on top of the wall, flipping over into the grass followed by a number of violent flips, turns and barrel-rolls. Bailey escaped the horrific accident with a minor shoulder injury, but his race car was virtually destroyed. In the years since, video of the accident has become one of the hottest ongoing commodities on the internet, with millions of views on YouTube, and has even graced network and cable television programs.

Back to 2016, another Skinny Kid Race Cars chassis, another twin turbocharged bullet from the BB&T Racing engine shop, and another Ford Mustang sits lurking in the Bailey Racing shop, just waiting on it’s debut to the radial world.

The BBC powerplant tucked neatly between the Skinny Kid Race Cars frame rails with twin turbochargers topping off the powerplant.

The BBC powerplant tucked neatly between the Skinny Kid Race Cars frame rails with twin turbochargers topping off the powerplant.

Tucked under the gorgeous deep blue paint of his ‘Stang is a 565 cubic inch big-block Chevrolet powerplant with twin Precision Turbo 94mm turbochargers. Mark Micke of M&M Transmission was called upon for one of his bulletproof turbo glide transmissions to back the BB&T horsepower under the hood. Travis Quillen of Quillen Motorsports has come onboard with the Bailey Brothers and helped design the turbo system for maximum horsepower for the engine combination.

The interior of the car is filled with sheets of carbon fiber to help save weight and make arguably one of the sleekest New Edge Mustangs out there even nicer. Derrick Bailey, Dennis’ brother, will be behind the laptop handling the tuning duties as the talented and powerful duo make their return to radial competition. Their performance shop, BB&T Racing, did all of the engine work for their latest creation.

The return of one of the original bad boys of drag radial racing comes at a particularly interesting time, as the sport has become more competitive than ever in 2016. Look for Bailey’s new ride in the Pro 275 category at events in the near future.

The low ride height of the new Bailey Racing machine gives it a nasty look that just flat out means business.

About the author

Tyler Crossnoe

Tyler has been involved in motorsports from an early age, and has worked at numerous drag racing facilities and now travels the country with a track preparation consulting business. He also spends plenty of time on the racing side with his personal bracket car, and as crew member on Pharris Motorsports’ Drag Radial team. Tyler joined Dragzine in 2014 as a freelance writer.
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