From The Great 8 to the Fast 4: Journey to Mustang Week Fame

The race for the ultimate honor of being named the 2024 Mustang Week Great 8 Champion is heating up as we enter the second round of eliminations on Friday, November 15th. The following week (November 22nd) we’ll conclude round 2, and the final round will happen on November 27th so that our overall winner can toast to the victory with a turkey leg on Thanksgiving.

Let’s recap: to be considered for the Ford Muscle Great 8, each Mustang needed to be in Myrtle Beach and attend at least one official event at Mustang Week 2024. Two other important qualifications: it must be Ford-powered and it must be tastefully modified. The Great 8 winner will receive a trip to Mustang Week Texas in April 2025 including a hotel room for four days, VIP Package including a Golden Ticket (access to every event), $500 gas card, and $500 for food and drinks. A Ford Muscle Great 8 winner trophy will be presented on stage in Texas. And, last but not least, the winning Mustang will be immortalized on a Mustang Week 2025 t-shirt.

Great 8 Battle #1

In Round 1, Jason Damato’s wide-body ’66 coupe took down Phillip Tarlton’s Pro Street ’65 Fastback in our Facebook vote

Great 8 Battle #2

Travis Ford was victorious in his Coyote-swapped, four-eye Fox body versus Brandon Ennett’s 1,000hp SN95 Cobra.

Great 8 Battle #3

It was perhaps fitting that a story born at Mustang Week reaped its rewards in the battle of George Muse’s Frankenboss and Matt Pfister’s ’67 Fastback. The mashup of a ’70 sheet-metal and the 2021 Boss Laguna Seca underpinnings captured the ‘W.’

Great 8 Battle #4

Last but not least, Stephen Jeffries’ New Edge Mach 1 emerged the victor against Brian Schenk’s super-clean Kona Fox.

Round 2

In the next round, Jason Damato’s ’66 coupe will face Travis Ford’s Fox body, and Stephen Jeffries’ Mach 1 will square off against George Muse’s Frankboss. Stay tuned to the Ford Muscle Facebook page to cast your vote!

About the author

Scott Parker

Scott dreamed of being in the automotive media in high school, growing up around car shows and just down the street from Atco Raceway. The technology, performance capability, and craftsmanship that goes into builds fuels his passion.
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