Video: Mustang Cruise Turns Into Crash

America’s obsession with automobiles has turned cruising into something of a national pastime. Fan clubs for every kind of car regularly make journeys to great driving roads and scenic locales. Thanks to today’s abundance of recording technology, anybody with a smartphone can capture video of these cruises, and in this case the crash, as they happen.

This brief video captures a Mustang cruise in action, seconds before one of the cruisers loses control and smashes into a wall at highway speeds.

There is no telling what actually happened, given the brevity and shakiness of the clip. What we can tell you is that halfway into the 14-second clip, there is the distinct growl of a Mustang motor, and then the camera shifts just in time to see the back end of a blue stallion getting squirrelly.

The back end kicks out to the left, and the Mustang does a 180 into the nearby concrete barrier. It’s hard to tell how fast they were going, and the damage might be mostly cosmetic…but it almost certainly won’t just buff out. Given that the car went across two lanes of traffic in front of his fellow Mustang drivers, everybody was lucky this was just a one-car accident.

About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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