Video: Rare Mustangs At The Petersen Automotive Museum

As part of the Mustang’s 50th anniversary celebration, Ford is releasing a weekly video analyzing different aspects of the Mustang’s legacy. So far we’ve seen the very first Ford concept to bear the Mustang name, an interview with Trans-Am Champion Parnelli Jones, and a behind-the-scenes look at a mini-Mustang chase scene.

This week though Ford is giving us something different, a look at some very special Mustangs in the Petersen Automotive Museum’s famous, off-limits-to-the-public vault.

The Petersen Automotive Museum is one of the greatest collections of rare, valuable, and historically significant cars and motorcycles in the world. It makes sense then that the museum has a chunky collection of important Mustangs in their care, and not all of them are on display to the general public.

These cars are stored in the vault, and very few people ever get to see them. Ford asked the Petersen museums curator, Chris Brown, to pick out some of his favorite off-limits Mustangs. Brown is the perfect tour guide for this film, since he’s been enamored with Mustangs like many of since his childhood, and can recall his first ride in one of the cars with his dad behind the wheel.

The first one Brown introduces us to is a highly-customized zebra Mustang from a Frank Sinatra flick, Marriage on the Rocks. The car was built by none other than George Barris and like many of his creations takes styling to extremes.

Another of Brown’s favorite Mustangs is one of the last 1969 Shelby GT350s ever built, and Brown says that this car really helps tell the story of Shelby’s history. That’s just a taste of the Mustangs the Petersen Automotive Museum has in its collection of over 300 cars, and we’re sure Ford will introduce us to even more rare and important Mustangs in the next few months.

About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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